Thursday, March 26, 2009

A frantic effort to get sanity into Nigeria

(Musing....) what do I stand for? How do I stand for what I believe in? Fellow Nigerians, beloved people of the world... I like Ogho's effort to build a better world starting from his immediate environment.Please click here

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Its my first post in 2009!!!

What can i say? God is good all the time! I'm alive and well and God has been wow! I love God more and more, i mean, I love Him terribly. He's the best of the best and that's just all i can say. I'm not exaggerating, I'm not faking it. I want to invite you reading this if you are not happy about your life. Just know that "one thing is needful" and you must not miss that thing. It is knowing the Lord Jesus. I invite you to give it a try. You wont be disappointed.

I want to try and i keep saying i want to try and I know that God's help is avaialble. I will write great stuff that you guys will be inspired by. Do stay tuned. As inspiration comes, i will pen it down.

See you soon!!!
